News ID: 251
Publish Date : 19 August 2017 - 16:52
Khodrocar Reports:

10 Percent Increase in Price of the Imports

Shutting down the import vehicle registration website, caused a notable increase in price of these cars in the market.
Khodrocar journalist reports: the greatest leap in prices is registered by Japanese imports specially those from 1 to 2 billion IRR segment. 
The vehicle import registration website of Iran is yet closed so there is no newly imported vehicles in the market. As it was experienced before and also based on the current situation of the market import vehicles especially those from 1 to 2 billion IRR segment will face an increase in prices on a daily basis.
It is notable that the import value in the Q1 of the current year was more than what market needed so some cars will not see major changes in their price. BMW 7 series is a good example because it was imported more than it was demanded therefore so it has not experienced a major increase in price yet.
"As there is no new registrations for vehicles to be imported through official dealers, the import vehicles face an increase in price between 40 to 200 million IRR. The same increase is seen in the second handed cars as well. The Japanese made vehicles were prone to this increase more than any other vehicles. Especially those with better sales figures.” said Reza Mohammadzade, a showroom owner in Tehran.